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Growing a Peaceful Heart -- book spotlight and Giveaway

Karen Whiting • Oct 14, 2022

Today we're going to change it up a bit in that I'm welcoming author Karen Whiting with her recent non-fiction release, Growing a Peaceful Heart.

Stay tuned, as she's offering a free print copy (US only) of the book.

Our society has become more polarized, and the level of anger has intensified through the past decade. This is not good for our health, relationships, or state of mind. It incites violence and alienates family members. People have become more selfish to the point of not caring who gets hurt so they can have their own way.
Those problems caused me to want to share, through real stories and God’s Word, how we can have peace. Peace needs to begin in our hearts and in our relationship with the Lord. We need to admit we are imperfect and need forgiveness. We also need to soften our hearts to put others first.


Then we need to move from inner peace to bringing peace to our relationships. This comes through loving others in our actions and words, putting others first, and asking for forgiveness when we hurt someone. For me that starts each day with asking God to help me bless someone and to remind me to be kind. My father and husband were two of the kindest people I ever knew. Dad said, “There’s never enough kindness in the world.” It only takes seconds to say a kind word or act with kindness. Express gratitude and notice little needs like picking up something someone dropped, letting someone go ahead of you in line, or making aa snack for someone.


When we have peace at home and in our relationships, we begin to change the world. We continue that as we work at being peacemakers. Take time to be kind to a store worker, a neighbor, or someone in a car on the road. Listen to people, really listen, and express empathy. The devotions I write share stories that show how people have worked at being peacemakers, trust God, and let go of worries. We remember stories and they can impact our choice. Hopefully, through stories of peacemakers, readers will let God give them inner peace and they will choose to be peacemakers.


Fun things about myself


·      I enjoy travel and adventure that has included white water rafting, zip lining, scuba diving, horseback and camelback riding, and travel in Australia, Asia, and Europe.


·      I tend to attract natural disasters. I have been in the midst of major cat 4 hurricanes that hit two different homes, floods, four lightning strikes that hit two different homes, spontaneous combustible fires, hail that damaged the roof, a derecho, and an earthquake.


·      I enjoy crafts from sewing and cooking to making Muppet type of puppets, and creating new paper crafts for kids.


Three words for me: Creative, persistent, and energetic


What I enjoy most about writing is the creativity


Reader question: I’d love readers to let me know what they like most about devotional books. Leave a comment, and we’ll draw randomly for a print copy (US only) of Growing a Peaceful Heart



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