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Release Day and Book Spotlight

Donna Schlachter • Aug 03, 2022

Today is release day for Dianna's Dilemma. I started on July 29th by sharing about the story and history behind the story. Tomorrow, I'll share about the hero and heroine, and on August 5th, I share an excerpt.


You can check out the print and ebooks here:

If you enjoy the story, I hope you'll check out the other books in the series:


Today is the day to celebrate the release. It’s been a labor of love. Sometimes readers ask how long it takes to write a book. Let me give you two answers: about six weeks, from start to finish, for a book of this length. Or a lifetime.

Now, I’ll explain that with a parable:

Henry Ford had a problem on his production line, and he called in several repairmen who couldn’t figure it out. He was chatting with a friend who was an electrical engineer, who asked to have a stab at it.

The man came in, and within 15 minutes, the production line was up and running. He presented Henry with a bill for $10,000.

Henry went ballistic. He said, “This is outrageous. $10,000 for 15 minutes’ work? Fix this bill.”

His friend smiled, pulled out a pen, and scribbled on the bill. Then he handed it back to his friend.

Without looking at it, Henry nodded. “That’s better.” Then he looked at the bill. His friend had added two lines: $500 – time to find problem. $9,500 – for knowing where to look.

Henry paid the bill.

So, what does that have to do with writing books? I think you can see where I’m going with this. I will spend about six weeks writing a 2-6 page synopsis, doing research to fill in the blanks, writing, editing, formatting, then publishing. But it takes a lifetime to gain the knowledge, experience, hunger to ask questions, attend writers conferences, write books as practice that will probably never be published, not to even mention promotion, social media, attending writers and readers events, and the myriad of other things involved with writing—because writing isn’t done in a vacuum. It’s done in a community. Without other writers to teach and lead, without readers to read, give feedback and encouragement, and husbands who cook dinner when I’m on a deadline—none of this could happen.

But most importantly, writing has taught me how critical it is to learn to listen to God. Every time I sit to write, I pray that the Lord would keep me faithful to transcribe His story. Because, as I say at the beginning of all my books, without God, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit, no story is worth writing.

My prayer for you is that as you settle in to read this story, you will be drawn into history, into life unlike what we know now. I pray you will fall in love with the characters—the good ones. I pray the lessons learned by the characters will touch you heart, propel you forward, and give you hope. I pray that you will think of somebody to hand this book on to, because they need to read it, too.

Now, what about my hero and heroine? I'll share more about that tomorrow, but suffice it to say I wanted a hero running from a huge hurt, and a woman trying to make her way in a man's world. On August 5th I’ll leave you an excerpt so you can get a taste for the story, to whet your appetite, I hope.

Leave a comment, and I'll take all the entries left on all four blog posts and toss them in a hat (or another appropriate container), and draw for winner's choice of a print copy (US only) or an ebook. Cleverly disguise your email address so I can contact you. For example Donna AT livebytheword DOT com


Stay tuned for the next blog post about Dianna's Dilemma on August 4th. And if you haven't already, please subscribe to follow my blog and get an email each time a new post releases:


About Dianna's Dilemma:

Dianna Dewalt, a journalist with the Colorado Springs Weekly Gazette, is assigned a story she isn’t the least bit interested in—the May 15, 1881 incorporation of La Junta, Colorado. She is interested in keeping her job and someday becoming editor, so she travels via stagecoach to the small town. Arriving a week before, she endures the heat of the area and the bad manners of the men in the town as she gathers personal interest stories about the town and its incorporation. She meets a handsome man who seems out of place. Cultured accent, well-read, educated. A gaze that never quite focuses on her. And a patchwork past that doesn’t fit him. She asks around town, but nobody knows anything about him. Her investigative nose for a mystery begins twitching. She’s certain he’s keeping a secret. But what, exactly? Something criminal? Immoral? Or is she wrong about him, and he’s telling her the truth?
Samson Macon, known to his few friends as Sam, works for the local stage line as a tack and saddle maker. He keeps himself to himself because that’s the easiest way to keep a secret. He came to Junction City three years prior to escape the memories that haunted him: his wife and child died because he wasn’t a good enough doctor to save them. He simply walked away from his profession, causing a stir at the hospital in Denver and in the news. Rumors abound as to his whereabouts.
When news arrives in town about a man being arrested and charged with the murder of a missing doctor from Denver—a Michael Swanson. Dianna’s itchy scalp, now stitched by the saddle maker, means she’s onto something. Could Samson Macon and Michael Swanson be the same man? Will he let another be hung without revealing himself? If so, he isn’t the man she thought he was. She telegraphs her office and asks for information on Doctor Michael Swanson. When she receives it, she considers whether to go to the sheriff or to Samson.
Samson must decide whether to admit his past and trust that God will heal his broken heart, or forever carry the real blame for another’s death. Dianna must choose whether to break her promise or save another’s life. Both must determine what’s most important to them.

About Donna:

A hybrid author, Donna writes squeaky clean historical and contemporary suspense. She has been published more than 50 times in books; is a member of several writers groups; facilitates a critique group; teaches writing classes; ghostwrites; edits; and judges in writing contests. She loves history and research, traveling extensively for both. Stay connected so you learn about new releases, preorders, and presales, as well as check out featured authors, book reviews, and a little corner of peace. Plus: Receive a free ebook simply for signing up for our free newsletter!

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