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Countin’ On Jesse Is Finally Here!

Mary Pat Johns • Sep 21, 2023

Today I welcome author Mary Pat Johns as she shares about her latest release.

Scrivenings Press published my debut novel, Countin’ On Jesse, on September 12, 2023. It was a work in progress for more years than I like to remember, but who’s counting?

When people hear I write books, they often ask what the book is about. What they really want to know is what genre I write. Is it fiction or non-fiction? If it’s fiction, what kind of fiction? Most people have opinions about the different types of fiction and very strong opinions about romance. However, romance is consistently the best-selling genre. Just sayin’.

What matters to an author is the target audience. The genre I write in won’t appeal to everyone. In fact, it’s very specific. Women who like good love stories with strong heroes and happy endings will probably like my books. Men are not my go-to with book talk, my husband being the lone exception. 

When people ask about my book, I hand them a postcard of sorts as quickly as possible and say, “All you need to know is right here.” 

Here’s a blurb of the story, same as on the cards I give out:

Countin’ On Jesse is an (inspirational) contemporary romance. 

Accountant BRENNA MCKINLEY only wants what’s best for Peeps, the wildly popular gym in Valiant, Texas. But when money goes missing, and she’s the obvious suspect, will she be able to clear her name or face criminal charges? Keeping her dream job matters, but falling in love with her boss isn’t part of the plan. Neither is the creepy guy stalking her. 

Young veteran JESSE JACOBS manages and co-owns Peeps, an exercise facility in Valiant, Texas. He needs help to gain accreditation for the gym, and his new accountant is all in. But is she who she seems? Too bad he’s falling for her like a man with no parachute.

When the pressure builds, PTSD renders him moody and volatile, risking everything he loves.

Feedback about the book from my launch team was heartening. Here are some of their quotes about the story…

“Exceptionally strong debut author who sends readers on a thrill ride filled with romance and adrenaline-pumping action.”

“Three main things stand out to me so far…1) The dedication sets a precedence for all the quips in this book. 2) I love the chapter lengths. They are not too long, but really get your attention to continue reading. 3) The metaphor sayings! ‘his temper needs a permanent vacation’ and ‘like a peacock in a yard full of chickens’.”


“(This book) was everything I wanted it to be. It was mysterious, fun, suspenseful. I love all the characters, even Emilio LOL!... I love it when books create big emotions in me. I loved that scenes caught me off guard… I was shaking my head… It made me laugh. I can’t wait to get a hard copy in my hands.”

One reader warmed my heart with her short succinct comments. “I’ve reached the end—boo-hoo…Hope there will be more books in your future.”

Bonum est Deus. God is good.


About Mary Pat:

Countin’ On Jesse is Mary Pat Johns’ debut novel, book one of the Valiant series. God put it in her heart to tell stories of brave veterans and their reintegration into civilian life after suffering the traumas of war. As she kept writing, her focus generalized to include ordinary people who learn how to move forward after devastating events. Her writing includes a strong spiritual thread.

She lives in South Texas with her husband and their two dapple dachshunds. Her grown children and five grandchildren are useful sorts who keep her grounded with her reading/writing obsession. You can find her at the gym, at her computer, or reading a good book.


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Instagram: @marypatjohnsauthor


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